• I have been trying to…

    I have been trying to edit the website, from the given questionaire but, i do not have any option to change the contents of the website

    Unresolved Resolved


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  • I get this /#more-57 in…

    I get this /#more-57 in my url from archive page on read-more link. SO how can I get rid of it?

    Unresolved Resolved

    1. pinky08 Avatar

      He assumes that it is a post id

    2. them.es Avatar

      Not sure if this is the right place for this kind of support question as it’s not possible to replicate the issue without more information. Internal links (i.e. # page jumps) like you describe are not included in any of the Starter Themes we maintain. Probably WP stackexchange would be a better platform to ask for help.

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  • Problems styling bootstrap starter theme

    Hello! I’m fairly new to web programming, tough I’ve been developing mobile for a long time already. I was trying to set up a WordPress page using the Bootstrap Starter Theme for WordPress.

    Steps I followed before my problem:
    1. I downloaded from https://them.es/starter-bootstrap/ a theme with my custom settings.
    2. I added the new Theme to my WordPress page, and activated it
    3. I used that same file on my local machine, and installed all the npm dependencies
    4. I run the npm run watch command

    After all these steps, I modify the main.scss file, for example creating a color and updating the colors map according to the documentation.

    //4. Include any default map overrides here
    //Create your own map
    $custom-colors: (
    "testcolor": #900
    // Merge the maps
    $theme-colors: map-merge($theme-colors, $custom-colors);

    I let watch to compile all the files correctly, and after that, I copy all the files to the “themes” folder inside my wordpress folders.

    The problem is that if I try to use this new value on a page, for example using bg-testcolor in a nav, the variable won’t get used. If I inspect the code, the values that I see being used are from _root.scss, and it won’t have this new testcolor. If I continue looking at the inspector, the themes/mytheme/assets/dist/main.css will have the value correctly defined, but it is just not existing on the inspected code.

    Did I forget to configure anything?

    I hope I made myself clear, maybe this wasn’t asked the correct way. Thanks!

    Seems like importing
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="wp-content/themes/my_theme/assets/dist/main.css">
    In my header.php‘s header makes the page indeed use the variable I want of the compiled main.css file. I’m wondering if I missed some step on the installation process and the WordPress Theme is not using the correct variables? Ehitherway, now it feels like it’s working!!

    Unresolved Resolved

    1. davidaz Avatar

      Can the problem be due to not installing the npm install dependencies on the host machine, and just compiling “locally” on my own pc? Just wondering

    2. them.es Avatar

      npm only needs to be installed on your local machine. And your custom-colors map code seems to work fine – the classes .bg-testcolor and .text-testcolor are successfully compiled on our test system as well.

      – Did you delete your browser cache and/or increase the theme version variable in style.css?
      – Alternatively you could try to define the new background-color directly via the classname e.g.

      .navbar { @extend .bg-testcolor; }

    3. davidaz Avatar

      Hello again,
      Indeed updating the style.css version seems to be the solution. Thanks for the quick response and of coruse for the great theme. Thanks to it I can do whatever I want 😀

      1. them.es Avatar

        Glad that your issue has been resolved and happy to read that the Starter theme is useful for you 😀

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  • npm “global” packages

    If you manage multiple themes with similar npm dependencies you should install npm packages globally and link them in your theme directories. First of all this saves a lot of disk space. But it also disburdens the upgrade process of development frameworks and toolkits that are used across projects.

    1. Install packages globally by adding the “-g” flag:
    $ npm install -g package_1 package_2 package_3 package_4 etc.

    2. Link the packages in your local theme directory/directories:

    $ npm link bootstrap @popperjs/core ...

    $ npm link material-components-web ...

    $ npm link autoprefixer css-loader sass sass-loader ...

    Happy Coding!


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  • <i> Toolbar for WordPress

    Our latest WordPress Plugin Directory addition integrates the awesome Bootstrap Icons (MIT) library in the WordPress rich-text toolbar without requiring any coding experience. Just the way it should be.

    • 1300+ pixel perfect webfont icons
    • Small filesize
    • Easy WYSIWYG integration: No Shortcodes!
    • Privacy by design: No CDN hosted files!
    • Autofilter

    You can download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory:

    Of course <i> Toolbar makes a great addition to our Bootstrap Starter Theme but since the Bootstrap library is not required and the plugin has no dependencies it will work with any other theme like our Material Starter Theme and our Full Site Editing Starter Theme.


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  • Emoji Picker for WordPress

    A working and maintained Emoji Picker Plugin has been brought back to WordPress. Easily add Emojis from any rich-text block like Paragraphs, Headings, Lists, etc. without leaving the Editor.

    Emojis are pictograms used in instant messengers, forums and web pages to reflect emotions. They have become so popular that Oxford Dictionaries has named “😂” word of the year 2015.

    Nowadays all browsers and operating systems support the Emoji characters. When picking your Emojis from the Emoji Toolbar they will be added in raw format so no images are loaded on the frontend.


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  • them.es Full Site Editing Starter Theme released

    Block based Themes are coming to WordPress sooner or later and we just published the first “beta” release of our Full Site Editing Starter Theme.

    If you see yourself as an early adopter who likes to get his/her hands dirty feel free to generate a copy via the Theme Generator: https://them.es/starter-fse

    them.es Full Site Editing

    The source code is licensed under GPLv2 and has been published on GitHub.

    Full Site Editing is a collection of features that allow to fully customize a WordPress site via a new site editor. Overall the Full Site Editing experience using block based Themes looks promising and already works pretty well but you need to be aware that not all features are final and that bugs will appear during development.

    Now a 100% (!) PageSpeed score is achievable with WordPress. Even on Mobile.

    At the current state (WordPress version <5.9) this Starter Theme is not recommended for production sites. Please use it at your own risk and provide technical feedback to the Gutenberg team if possible!

    One more thing: Block based features are still in development and have not yet been fully integrated in WordPress core. In order to enable the Site editor you need to install the Gutenberg Plugin on your site.

    Update: In the meantime WordPress supports Block themes in Core and it’s safe to develop websites using the FSE Starter Theme.


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  • them.es main repositories on Github have been renamed

    Last year Github changed the name for newly created repositories: https://github.blog/changelog/2020-10-01-the-default-branch-for-newly-created-repositories-is-now-main

    To align with this change we’ve decided to rename all our existing Github repositories.

    If you run a local master branch of any of our repositories you need to update your local branch to main:

    • $ git branch -m master main
    • $ git fetch origin
    • $ git branch -u origin/main main


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  • them.es Starter v3 released

    The Bootstrap Starter Theme has been updated to make use of Bootstrap 5 which has been released last week.


    • Bootstrap has been updated to the latest release v5.0.0
    • jQuery is optional
    • Support for older browsers has been dropped
    • WordPress Coding Standard improvements
    • Tested with WordPress v5.7

    Download the Theme

    Feel free to test out the new Starter Theme by downloading it using the Theme Generator:

    Heads up: If you still want to develop with the legacy Bootstrap 4 build just select the old version in the Generator!

    All sources can also be found on GitHub: https://github.com/them-es/themes-starter


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  • I’m trying to change the…

    I’m trying to change the bootstrap theme background. I used this in the main.scss
    // Body
    $body-bg: $gray-600;
    $body-color: $gray-900;

    I also tried adding css:
    body {
    background-color: #f9f1e0;
    but it isn’t working

    my other changes work just fine so npm is working fine.


    Unresolved Resolved

    1. them.es Avatar


      it’s hard to reproduce what’s wrong with your setup without seeing the full SCSS source.
      Could you first make sure that /assets/css/main.css is writable or delete main.css and try to recompile it.

      If it’s still failing would it be possible to share your main.scss by creating a ZIP file and dragging it in the Uploader (see Sidebar)?

    2. shoe Avatar

      Okay, it’s working now. User error. Thank you. And thank you for this great theme.

      1. them.es Avatar

        Glad that you could debug the error and make it work.

        Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad that you find the theme useful. Happy Coding!

        1. shoe Avatar

          one more question. I want to modify the main blog page loop… where is index.php calling the loop from? I see the single page loop, but not the one which lists the blog posts.

          1. them.es Avatar

            The post loop in the archive templates (i.e. index, author, category, etc.) is called via get_template_part( 'archive', 'loop' ) which loads the general archive-loop.php template. There you can see that the content-index.php template is referenced.

            index.php – https://github.com/them-es/themes-starter-bootstrap/blob/master/index.php#L22
            archive-loop.php – https://github.com/them-es/themes-starter-bootstrap/blob/master/archive-loop.php
            content-index.php – https://github.com/them-es/themes-starter-bootstrap/blob/master/content-index.php

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