ThemeES Bootstrap Starter Theme Version: 3.2.1 Woocommerce broken for not logged in users after woo update 8.6

stefanbd Avatar

After Update from woocommerce.8.5.2 to woocommerce.8.6 the_content is not load for people who are not logged in.
Seems like comes from a wp core function $content = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, $content ); in the the_content function.

When i rollback its works. I also have try it with a fresh generatet version of Starter Theme, same.
With other themes its working i had try till twentynineteen.
Theres no error i have investet some time but found not a reson why its now not working

Unresolved Resolved

3 responses

  1. stefanbd Avatar

    Rollback to 8.6 RC its working so the problem must be from RC to final

  2. Avatar

    Hi stefanbd,
    thanks for getting in touch. You’re right – there seems to be a bug in WooCommerce v8.6.0 (see which already has been been fixed in v8.6.1, released yesterday.
    Could you confirm that upgrading WooCommerce to the latest version makes the_content() accessible to unauthenticated users again?

    1. stefanbd Avatar

      Hi thanks for the hint, after update to 8.61 its working again.
      I was think its a problem with your theme because i have try themes from store and they hadnt the problem.

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