A new version of the Polymer Web Components Starter Theme is available for download under them.es/starter-spa.
It has been built with the latest Polymer v2 release!
Any questions? Leave a comment ✍️
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A new version of the Polymer Web Components Starter Theme is available for download under them.es/starter-spa.
It has been built with the latest Polymer v2 release!
Any questions? Leave a comment ✍️
I installed this theme locally, and I ran into a few problems. When I click one of the WordPress admin links at the top of the page (Customize, Edit Page, etc.) I get “404/Not found”. The URL appears in the address bar, and I have to position the cursor in it and hit enter to open the link. Whether I’m logged in or not, when I type the site URL into the address bar, it opens on the 404 page, and I have to click one of the menu links to see the page. I have it set up for a static home page, by the way.
Hi ddgardner!
I’ve duplicated your comment from https://them.es/support/2015/06/08/them-es-starter-spa-ready-for-download/#comment-10 as a new post.
The SPA Starter Theme has been designed as a Single Page Application. I.e. All links (even the WordPress internal links) are routed via page.js
So you’ll have to open them in a new tab or hit enter again.
If your Front page displays a 404 error…
1. Go to Settings > Reading
2. Front page displays: A Static page
3. Select your Homepage
4. Save changes
This has been documented here: https://them.es/starter-spa/download
Please let me know if that works for you.
The wp-admin redirect now works in the latest release v1.0.4 – You can download a new customized theme or add the following line in index.php: https://github.com/them-es/themes-starter-spa/blob/b1d2a9e029cdc038a9a36f8f52e0e9e79733ac7c/index.php#L199-L206
Hi, thanks for responding. I downloaded the new version and installed it on a local server. Unfortunately, it’s still not working. Before, when I’d click on a link, I’d get a 404 in the content area of the theme. Now, it takes me to a separate page with a “not found” error message. Here’s what’s strange, though- I installed it online on a free host, and it worked fine. Maybe the problem lies with my local server installation.
Thanks again for taking the time.
Maybe “mod_rewrite” is not enabled on your local server. And/Or your Permalink settings are wrong.
Try to set the Permalink structure to “Day and name”.
Multiple countup numbers are stacked on top of each other; I would like them to spread in one row and also have headers. I was not able to add the shortcode to an ACF table nor was I able to input the shortcode and table code in the page’s source code. Any advice? Tx.
Inserting a shortcode in a PHP template is actually easy:
echo do_shortcode("[...]");
Please have a look at the following discussion if you want to use shortcodes in a Advanced Custom field table: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/shortcodes-in-table-apply_filtersthe_content
The provided solution is working for me.
I used the Countup as in http://them.es/plus/countup/. This looks good at a page or post. However, in a widget it doesn’t work. Is a method available to make this work in a widget too?
Here is a short tutorial how to enable shortcodes in widgets: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-use-shortcodes-in-your-wordpress-sidebar-widgets/
A new Starter Theme is available for download under them.es/starter-mdl. It is built using the official Material Design Lite components.
If you are a WordPress Developer you can use this Starter Theme as a basis for creating new websites.
The Source Code is licensed under GPLv2 and has been published on GitHub.
Please note that the Contact Form included in them.es Plus is deprecated and will be removed in the upcoming release.
We recommend to install the powerful and flexible Contact Form 7 https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7 instead.
Thanks for your understanding!
A new Starter Theme is available for download under them.es/starter-SPA. You can generate a well-documented Theme to develop a Single Page Application (SPA).
It’s a so called Starter Theme which means that WordPress Developers can use it as a basis for creating new websites.
This Theme has been developed from scratch using Web Components and Page Routing. Polymer and all required Elements are included and can be kept up-to-date using Bower.
The Source Code is licensed under GPLv2 and has been published on GitHub.
More details can be found here http://www.klicc.at/en/blog/2015/06/08/new-wordpress-starter-theme-available-for-free
Comment moved to: https://them.es/support/2016/01/12/starter-spa-issues/
I really appreciate your work on the Starter theme but would it be possible to add a Sass version of the theme?
Hi wordpresser!
Thanks for your input. The Starter Theme has been updated and now also includes the official Bootstrap SASS source files. Providing another Theme just with SASS was no option.
Developers are now free to choose their preferred preprocessor.
You can download the updated Theme here: http://them.es/starter
Great. Thank you 🙂 I think I can live with SASS/LESS being in coexistence in the theme 🙂
A new Bootstrap version has been released and got integrated into our WordPress Starter Theme.
Get your customized Bootstrap Starter Theme under them.es/starter now!
Our first Theme is available for download under them.es/starter. You can generate a well-documented Theme with custom function names which has an easy to read Source Code.
It’s a so called Starter Theme which means that WordPress Developers can use it as a basis for creating new websites.
This Theme has been developed from scratch using WordPress Best Practices. Bootstrap is included in the latest version and of course it is fully compatible with our free Plugin them.es+ which brings useful Bootstrap Add-ons to your website.
It is licensed under GPLv2 and the Code has been published on GitHub.
Thanks for getting in touch. This is a rather specific request, not of interest to the public, so let us…