Starter SPA issues

ddgardner Avatar

I installed this theme locally, and I ran into a few problems. When I click one of the WordPress admin links at the top of the page (Customize, Edit Page, etc.) I get “404/Not found”. The URL appears in the address bar, and I have to position the cursor in it and hit enter to open the link. Whether I’m logged in or not, when I type the site URL into the address bar, it opens on the 404 page, and I have to click one of the menu links to see the page. I have it set up for a static home page, by the way.

Unresolved Resolved

4 responses

  1. Avatar

    Hi ddgardner!

    I’ve duplicated your comment from as a new post.

    The SPA Starter Theme has been designed as a Single Page Application. I.e. All links (even the WordPress internal links) are routed via page.js
    So you’ll have to open them in a new tab or hit enter again.

    If your Front page displays a 404 error…
    1. Go to Settings > Reading
    2. Front page displays: A Static page
    3. Select your Homepage
    4. Save changes

    This has been documented here:

    Please let me know if that works for you.

  2. Avatar

    The wp-admin redirect now works in the latest release v1.0.4 – You can download a new customized theme or add the following line in index.php:

    1. ddgardner Avatar

      Hi, thanks for responding. I downloaded the new version and installed it on a local server. Unfortunately, it’s still not working. Before, when I’d click on a link, I’d get a 404 in the content area of the theme. Now, it takes me to a separate page with a “not found” error message. Here’s what’s strange, though- I installed it online on a free host, and it worked fine. Maybe the problem lies with my local server installation.

      Thanks again for taking the time.

  3. Avatar

    Maybe “mod_rewrite” is not enabled on your local server. And/Or your Permalink settings are wrong.
    Try to set the Permalink structure to “Day and name”.

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