The new year starts great! A major milestone has been reached – our Bootstrap Starter Theme for WordPress was downloaded for the 25,000th time 🤩. Actually the number of websites out in the wild, using this theme as the foundation, may be even higher because we can’t measure 1:1 duplications and direct downloads from GitHub.
It’s very pleasant to see how one of our first OpenSource products evolved over time, with important quality improvements from contributors, valuable feedback from users and last but not least by looking at the numerous likes from stargazers. All the kudos we received prove that democracy, exchange and teamwork are still relevant today in a world (wide web) that’s transforming continuously.
THANK YOU to all friends, collaborators and developers (of underlying dependencies*) who made this possible!
* WordPress, Bootstrap, SASS, LESS, Webpack, Gulp, Grunt, NPM, etc.
WordPress is the leading web publishing platform standing for stability, reliability and sustainability, and celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Bootstrap Starter Theme for WordPress combines the best of both worlds. Stay tuned for more because all in all it feels like the journey has only just begun…
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