Hi, i have error on…

pinky08 Avatar

Hi, i have error on my console and I have error in my terminal when I run npm run watch
“WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
main.css (284 KiB)

WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (484 KiB)

WARNING in webpack performance recommendations:
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/

How to solve this error

Unresolved Resolved

One response

  1. them.es Avatar

    This warning doesn’t produce an error and can be considered a recommendation. If you want to reduce the file size you can try to deactivate unneeded modules in main.scss (https://github.com/them-es/themes-starter-bootstrap/blob/main/assets/main.scss#L78-L112) but if this is not possible you can hide the warning via your webpack config: See https://stackoverflow.com/a/41167614 and https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/3486

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