• New Forum 🎉

    We’re happy to announce that our Support Forum has been relaunched with a custom-built Theme based on our FSE Starter Block Theme (OpenSource, GPL2+).

    Why the change?

    When them.es/Support went live in 2015, we decided to set it up with the (now deprecated) P2 “Breathe” Theme and its companion, the o2 Plugin.

    All in all it worked very well for years and we even managed to extend it according to our needs by using a Child theme. But recently the efforts to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress and PHP versions have become quite a burden. Monkey patches 🙈 had to be applied to work around issues — and this is bad practice for obvious reasons.

    Also, relying on code that is not maintained anymore was a no-go.

    While evaluating existing Forum plugins and similar solutions it soon turned out that they all lack important features and could not be customized in a way that was satisfying. Putting the code base again in a dependence on third-party software with an unclear future was another no-go.

    So we decided to go all-in and to develop our own tailored Support Theme. Thanks to the Gutenberg plugin and its new Interactivity API which currently is in active development, all requirements could be fulfilled without compromise.

    What changed?

    From a user-perspective not much changed at all, as all previous features like Search autocomplete, Frontend posting, File uploading and Marking requests as resolved, have been incorporated.

    Besides the new foundation which reduced the code footprint to an absolute minimum, we polished the design a bit and added a better UX with interactive elements.

    Furthermore users now can format their posts with basic Markdown syntax, if needed.

    As a nice side effect the overall page loading performance has improved a lot.

    Of course a re-release that makes use of a newish approach with bleeding-edge features may contain bugs and we kindly ask everyone to consider this site “Beta” for the time being. It’s quite possible that things get out of order or even break.

    If you notice some hiccups or errors, please let us know, by commenting below, so that we can fix it. And if you miss something essential, we always keep the door open for feature-requests. Please mention why you are requesting it and what problem it may solve.

    Hopefully you like the new Support Forum as much as we do.


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  • Hi, i have error on…

    Hi, i have error on my console and I have error in my terminal when I run npm run watch
    “WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
    This can impact web performance.
    main.css (284 KiB)

    WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
    main (484 KiB)

    WARNING in webpack performance recommendations:
    You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
    For more info visit https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/

    How to solve this error

    1. them.es Avatar

      This warning doesn’t produce an error and can be considered a recommendation. If you want to reduce the file size you can try to deactivate unneeded modules in main.scss (https://github.com/them-es/themes-starter-bootstrap/blob/main/assets/main.scss#L78-L112) but if this is not possible you can hide the warning via your webpack config: See https://stackoverflow.com/a/41167614 and https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/3486

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  • Starter Themes with a new build workflow

    We’ve received feedback from our community that the old build workflow (using Gulp and/or webpack to generate the CSS/JS assets) included several package vulnerabilities that have not been fixed for quite a while and obviously have become unmaintained by the creators.

    One could argue that this should not be problematic, as these dependencies only affect the local development system – and as long as the build process still works, there’s no need to change a running system.
    But using obsolete and unsupported software can be dangerous and can break things “overnight”. Not to mention potential security risks that may arise in the web development stack.

    So it was necessary to find a new simple, modern and future-proof build process for the frontend assets
    Fortunately the research did not take too long. The @wordpress/scripts package from the awesome Gutenberg community already comes with a proven and tested webpack configuration specific to WordPress development, which made it a perfect candidate to try out.

    After some trial-and-error the build process worked pretty well and that’s why all our Starter Themes (Full Site Editing, Bootstrap and Material Design) have been updated to include this “webpack only” workflow from WordPress. From now on Gulp (including its several internal dependencies that are outdated) is not needed anymore.

    Start the development process:
    $ npm run watch
    Build and minify the assets:
    $ npm run build

    👆 Breaking change: The build directories have been moved from /assets/css and /assets/js to /build which aligns with the @wordpress configuration. If you want to include the new workflow in an existing theme, please have a look at the source code in the Github repositories of the Starter Theme and adjust the paths of the JS/CSS assets in functions.php accordingly.


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  • WordPress Playground

    Would you like to play around with an instant WordPress installation that runs in your browser?

    Visit https://them.es/playground [🪄 powered by playground.wordpress.net] and give it a try.

    Quickly demonstrate the WordPress dashboard to interested people or temporarily test Themes and Plugins without the need of an entire web server:


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  • 20 years WordPress

    Today our favorite CMS celebrates its 20th anniversary 🎉. A special website dedicated to this event has been established by the WordPress team:

    What started as a way to make a better blogging experience has grown into a vibrant open source project that powers an ever-growing percentage of the world’s websites.


    Let’s commemorate some historic milestones, the WordPress project passed within two decades:

    May 2003: WordPress 0.7 – The first release

    January 2004: WordPress 1.0

    May 2004: Support for plugins

    August 2006: The first WordCamp has been organized

    December 2008: Automatic upgrades with a single click

    June 2010: Multisite functionality

    October 2013: Automatic maintenance and security background updates

    December 2015: The WP-API has been integrated

    December 2018: A new block-based Editor

    July 2021: theme.json

    January 2022: Full Site Editing


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  • Hi, I’ve installed everything for…

    Unresolved Resolved

    Hi, I’ve installed everything for the bootstrap theme and trying to follow the instructions here: https://them.es/setup/
    Where it says “import the provided XML”, where is this provided? I can’t find it anywhere.

    1. them.es Avatar

      You’re right. The demo content XML is not shipped with the themes anymore. But you can download the file from the following resource instead: https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Unit_Test
      The Setup guide has been updated!

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  • Hi,

    Unresolved Resolved

    When my site is loading, this link https://tl.ytlogs.ru/timesince is running in the background.
    I use this start theme for two my projects, now i have problems.


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  • I have been trying to…

    I have been trying to edit the website, from the given questionaire but, i do not have any option to change the contents of the website


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  • I get this /#more-57 in…

    I get this /#more-57 in my url from archive page on read-more link. SO how can I get rid of it?

    1. pinky08 Avatar

      He assumes that it is a post id

    2. them.es Avatar

      Not sure if this is the right place for this kind of support question as it’s not possible to replicate the issue without more information. Internal links (i.e. # page jumps) like you describe are not included in any of the Starter Themes we maintain. Probably WP stackexchange would be a better platform to ask for help.

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  • Problems styling bootstrap starter theme

    Hello! I’m fairly new to web programming, tough I’ve been developing mobile for a long time already. I was trying to set up a WordPress page using the Bootstrap Starter Theme for WordPress.

    Steps I followed before my problem:
    1. I downloaded from https://them.es/starter-bootstrap/ a theme with my custom settings.
    2. I added the new Theme to my WordPress page, and activated it
    3. I used that same file on my local machine, and installed all the npm dependencies
    4. I run the npm run watch command

    After all these steps, I modify the main.scss file, for example creating a color and updating the colors map according to the documentation.

    //4. Include any default map overrides here
    //Create your own map
    $custom-colors: (
    "testcolor": #900
    // Merge the maps
    $theme-colors: map-merge($theme-colors, $custom-colors);

    I let watch to compile all the files correctly, and after that, I copy all the files to the “themes” folder inside my wordpress folders.

    The problem is that if I try to use this new value on a page, for example using bg-testcolor in a nav, the variable won’t get used. If I inspect the code, the values that I see being used are from _root.scss, and it won’t have this new testcolor. If I continue looking at the inspector, the themes/mytheme/assets/dist/main.css will have the value correctly defined, but it is just not existing on the inspected code.

    Did I forget to configure anything?

    I hope I made myself clear, maybe this wasn’t asked the correct way. Thanks!

    Seems like importing
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="wp-content/themes/my_theme/assets/dist/main.css">
    In my header.php‘s header makes the page indeed use the variable I want of the compiled main.css file. I’m wondering if I missed some step on the installation process and the WordPress Theme is not using the correct variables? Ehitherway, now it feels like it’s working!!

    1. davidaz Avatar

      Can the problem be due to not installing the npm install dependencies on the host machine, and just compiling “locally” on my own pc? Just wondering

    2. them.es Avatar

      npm only needs to be installed on your local machine. And your custom-colors map code seems to work fine – the classes .bg-testcolor and .text-testcolor are successfully compiled on our test system as well.

      – Did you delete your browser cache and/or increase the theme version variable in style.css?
      – Alternatively you could try to define the new background-color directly via the classname e.g.

      .navbar { @extend .bg-testcolor; }

    3. davidaz Avatar

      Hello again,
      Indeed updating the style.css version seems to be the solution. Thanks for the quick response and of coruse for the great theme. Thanks to it I can do whatever I want 😀

      1. them.es Avatar

        Glad that your issue has been resolved and happy to read that the Starter theme is useful for you 😀

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